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Surrogacy Lawyer Loves Her Job


For the Love of My Job!

I learned a new word over the weekend that will touch my heart forever…marraine.

The story starts about a year and a half ago when I was hired to establish parentage for a lovely gay couple from Paris.

Marietta Surrogacy from Paris
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Of course we met via email, and I wanted to help them as much as I could so when they were troubled as to how to have the necessary baby equipment ready, I told them to do online shopping and have it sent to my office.

We have an extra room there for that very purpose!

Intended Parents Arrive In Atlanta, GA

When they arrived in Atlanta I took them the baby items and a friendship grew.  We shared dinners, conversations, french champagne and cheeses until the baby arrived!  They were nervous to be going to Augusta, an unknown destination, as a gay couple from France, so they asked me to go with them.

What an honor to be there for the birth of their child!   A dream they thought they would never achieve.

Celebrating Surrogacy in Georgia
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There were more occasions of french champagne and cheeses until they obtained the “parent” and “parent” birth certificate, necessary travel documents, and then headed home.

In that time they told me that they had one embryo created from the other father and that they wanted to use my surrogacy agency to have a sibling for their son.

They were very specific as to their desires in a gestational carrier and when they wanted it to occur.  Tomorrows Parents International’s fabulous surrogacy coordinator, Rebecca, and I thought we had our work cut out for us indeed, but by divine intervention, sheer timing  or our  amazing talents, we found them the perfect gestational carrier!

The one embryo was safely transported to Georgia and implanted into the gestational carrier.  Pregnancy ensued and all was well for the next nine months!

My clients, my friends, arrived last week and we got together for sunday brunch as we had done last year.  We talked and were caught up with excitement at the thought of a baby brother for their adorable one year old.

Surrogacy Attorney Becomes A God Mother

At some point in the conversation I thought I understood them to say, “will you be a good mother?” so I said, I try to be a good mother, when TPI’s international liaison said, “no, they want you to be the godmother.” my heart stopped and the tears began to flow. 

They explained that in france the term is marriane, which means christener, namer, patron and godmother.

Gay Parents Adopt Through Surrogacy
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Today I was again with them at the hospital for the birth.  Today I became a marraine.  Everything went perfectly and my godson is amazing.  I was there with his parents, tears in all of our eyes.

Our Surrogacy Clients Are Like Our Family

This family will be here for the next three weeks and I look forward to more time together!  They told me that my acceptance of the role they have honored me with makes me an aunt to their first son and an actual member of their family.

As a result of the love and passion for my job, i’m left without words to express my gratitude for the parents, the lovely gestational carrier, and everyone involved that made this dream come true.   Plans are under way for Rebecca and me to go to Paris in may!

Au reviour!!

Sara Clay

Advocate and Founder

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