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Definition of surrogate mother: a woman who becomes pregnant usually by artificial insemination or surgical implantation of a fertilized egg for the purpose of carrying the fetus to term for another woman.

Sorry, but Webster’s didn’t nail this definition! Although technically correct, this doesn’t even begin to properly describe the selfless, giving, caring women who devote at least a year of their lives to help a couple fulfill their dreams of parenthood!

Yes, there are medications, doctors’ appointments, morning sickness, hormones, bedrest and of course labor, all the while caring for their own families, but once the journey is complete, no one has regrets. The gift of providing a child for someone is priceless, and often times she will do it again!

At Tomorrow’s Parents International we are so proud of and grateful for our surrogates. Whether it’s “J” who is on her fourth journey and gets pregnant every time on the first transfer, or “T” who is on her third, carrying twins for a loving couple, “B” who is on her second journey, pregnant with twins and doing amazing, or “V” who is excited about her first upcoming embryo transfer, we love them all!

Thank you to all of these awesome women who help our deserving families. If you are just getting started or about to deliver, we want you all to know how much everyone appreciates you! We hope for you a wonderful experience and a Happy New Year!

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